Hi, after upgrading to 2.2.0 i have lost all configured monitoring information from Management -> Services -> Monitoring. The weird thing is that i can see old monitors in isp_monitor table in the database. Acually, it's not a big deal, i could remake them in a minute, just wanted to report that. Now i have duplicated entries in the table for the same ports. Best, T.
Today i had to reinstall ISPConfig, it went smoothly (if you are using mysql5.0 form dotdeb.org like me, most likely you will have to reinstall ispconfig too, because of the change in libmysqlclient15-dev package. php installed by ispconfig is built using this dev file among others). After reinstalling i have discovered the same error in Monitoring function what i have mentioned in my first post, the monitoring list is empty on the interface while the isp_monitor table has all my old configured monitors. Now i am getting error messages in every 30 minutes about that mysql server is not runnig (it is true, because my mysql server is running on another host not on localhost). Is it safe to delete all records from isp_monitor table or do i need to change something else in code or database? What if i am commenting the mysql server check in /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/check_services.php, will it be overwritten after a time? Thank you, T.