Monitoring - Show overview

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by ressel, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. ressel

    ressel Member


    Would it be possible to change the monitoring - show overview?

    In version 3.0.4 i had a physical host and some virtual machine and the and it was nice how the virtual machines was ordered as small boxes inside the physical host.
    But with the new view in 3.0.5 it fill much more in height and it is therefore necessary to scroll more than ever to keep track of the same number of machines.

    Would it be possible to make another smart way to display the virtual, so it does not take up so much space?
    As it is now I have 9 units connected (4 dns servers, 4 servers with web, mail, db, and 1 with virtual)
  2. ressel

    ressel Member

    It would also be useful if I could let customers use this tab, but only view their own VM.

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