Most Settings Pages Come Up Page Unavailable

Discussion in 'General' started by mojosound, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. mojosound

    mojosound New Member

    I am trying to learn ISP config on my home computer, Mandriva Linux 2006. I compiled and installed as through the directions. I can connect and login, but some of the screens come up in Ie as unavailable. This is most prevelant under the management menu. I can not manage forms, settings, or the system config. Also the help on the site setup comes up unavailable. It looks like some images are coming up broken on some of the screens as well. Do I need to reinstall? If so, did I miss a library or something that I need to install first?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. mojosound

    mojosound New Member

    Thanks for the link. It doesn't appear that the name was incorrect. I wonder if the IP was the problem. I have one static ip. That is assigned to the router. The local pc has static ip of I wonder if in the setup I need to put the static ip assigned to the router. DMZ is pointing to the pc so it should be getting all of the traffic anyways.
  4. Plascual

    Plascual New Member

    Hi Mojosound

    In your admin panel > Management > Settings > IP address : it should be the address that is assigned to the router (seen from the outside of your LAN).
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, he must use his private IP address (the one he sees when he runs

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