mount umsdos

Discussion in 'Technical' started by commentator, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. commentator

    commentator Member


    Is it possible to mount an umsdos disk to debian lenny?
    I have an old disk with some data I would like to save in umsdos format.
    I tried mounting type vfat.

    root:/# ls
    access_c.{_1  httpd_co.{_f  magic_de.{_7  php_ini-.{_h  ssl.crl  ssl.prm
    access_c.{_2  httpd_co.{_j  mime_typ.{_5  php_ini-.{_i  ssl.crt
    httpd_co.{_9  --linux-.---  mime_typ.{_6  srm_conf.{_3  ssl.csr
    httpd_co.{_a  magic         php.ini       srm_conf.{_4  ssl.key
    would be nice if there is a mount so the filenames are still there :)
  2. archerjd

    archerjd New Member

    I don't think so.
    You could try installing Sarge in a virtual machine with a 2.4 kernel.
    UMSDOS has been unavailable since they removed it from the Linux 2.6.11 kernel and newer.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2009

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