move webroot to jailkit user shell; jailkit user access to website webroot

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by iateadonut, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. iateadonut

    iateadonut New Member

    I'm wondering how I give access to a jailkit user to it's parent user (ispconfig client) 's website webroot.

    I have a ispconfig client:

    'pam' has a jailkit ssh user:

    pampam's home directory:

    'pam' has a website:'s webroot is:

    I'm wondering how do I give 'pampam' access to the webroot.

    Maybe a better question is,
    how do I move the webroot to within the jailkit user's jail?

    I can't even move the webroot in order to make a symlink in its place:
    root@s1:/var/www/clients/client3/web3# mv web web_old
    mv: cannot move `web' to `web_old': Permission denied
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats the case already. The jailed user has access to the web directory. If you login with this jailed user, just do a:

    cd ../../web to go to the web directory.
  3. iletelier

    iletelier New Member

    First of all, amazing software ! thx a lot!

    Well, i have a similar problem. But when a ssh user login and i do a cd ../../web and then ls i get Permission Denied:
    (ISPconfig 3.1dev)
    [email protected]:~$ pwd
    [email protected]:~$ cd ../../web
    [email protected]:/web$ ls
    ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied
    [email protected]:/web$
    In Advance, thank you for your time and help.
    pramodkumar likes this.
  4. pramodkumar

    pramodkumar New Member

    I am facing the same problem, @till could you please suggest a solution?

  5. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Could you be more specific about what the exact problem is?
    Meanwhile, what shows command
    ls -lh /web
    pramodkumar likes this.
  6. pramodkumar

    pramodkumar New Member

    It's working with cd /web I was using cd ../../web
    Thanks for developing ISPConfig :)

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