Moving all customers from one server to another..

Discussion in 'General' started by Ryanmt, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Ryanmt

    Ryanmt New Member

    Hi all,

    Im currently tasked with moving all the stuff off my old webserver (ispconfig and all) onto a new webserver.

    I have this post to hand, by falko

    Old : Ubuntu 8.04, ISPconfig 2

    New : Centos 5.5 ISpconfig 2 <- fresh install!

    Im aiming to move my customers over with minimal downtime, both servers are in the same network so can just have the IPs switched over. The server currently has 2 ips and operates as its own DNS server

    Im considering moving the core of the /var/www folder over using scp and trying to preserve the permissions. Or maybe use rsync. Im open to suggestions to keep the most amount of data/permissions in tacked. The advantage of using rsync is i can just run it again right at the switchover time to ensure everything is upto date, the downsides is it seems not to have permissions for certain folders and things like .foward .no_reply etc

    Also important is the mysql, both from the ispconfig db and the sites databases. I could setup 1 way replication which would be fairly easy and ensure the sql database is maintained right up to the change over is that feesable??

    As for email my plan is to just stop postfix so the server will not accept mail during the ip changeover, that way mail wont be trapped on the old server.

    Thats all i can think of that might cause an issue, I only have one chance to get it right so any advice, tips etc would be very much appreciated.

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    First, you might run into some problems if you use a different distribution because of different paths, etc.

    Im aiming to move my customers over with minimal downtime, both servers are in the same network so can just have the IPs switched over. The server currently has 2 ips and operates as its own DNS server

    Do you run rsync as root?

    Yes, you can do that with replication.

    IF you want to transfer the old emails to the new server as well, you can do this with imapsync:
  3. Ryanmt

    Ryanmt New Member

    Thanks falko,

    I i didnt run it as root - roots disabled, i had created an rsync user speciflcally for backing up to my home server. I guess for the changeover period i can enable root!

    Will readup on imap sync. :D

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