Hi, we change our Provider, so i have to move our Costumer-Server (Debian 3.1, ISPConfig 2.2.0) to a new machine. I would like to install the newest Versions on our new Server (Debian 4.0, ISPConfig 2.2.14). I found your Infos on http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2717 but i have still Questions regarding my Problem. Is it the best way to copy the files and then to update ISPConfig or should i update first? On our old System the Webdirs are under /home/www, on the new System the default Path is /var/www. Is this automaticaly changed while update? On Debian 3.1 is MySQL 4.1 on Debian 4.0 it is 5.0. Is it a good way to copy the Database files (/var/lib/mysql) and let MySQL do the updates http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-upgrade.html or should i dump all Databeses (quite a lot)? You told how to configure the forwarding of the Mails while the DNS change. We have quite a lot Database driven Websites (even a lot of inserts). Is there a way to forward the Databasequeries or the whole HTTP-Traffic?
The order doesn't matter. When you update ISPConfig, it always uses the old values to avoid problems. I'd use SQL dumps, and if that doesn't work, you can copy the database files from /var/lib/mysql. You can configure your web applications to use the new database server instead of localhost.