Moving from Debian 3.1 to 4.0

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by DiOmega, Jul 17, 2007.

  1. DiOmega

    DiOmega New Member


    we change our Provider, so i have to move our Costumer-Server (Debian 3.1, ISPConfig 2.2.0) to a new machine. I would like to install the newest Versions on our new Server (Debian 4.0, ISPConfig 2.2.14).

    I found your Infos on
    but i have still Questions regarding my Problem.

    Is it the best way to copy the files and then to update ISPConfig or should i update first?

    On our old System the Webdirs are under /home/www, on the new System the default Path is /var/www. Is this automaticaly changed while update?

    On Debian 3.1 is MySQL 4.1 on Debian 4.0 it is 5.0. Is it a good way to copy the Database files (/var/lib/mysql) and let MySQL do the updates
    or should i dump all Databeses (quite a lot)?

    You told how to configure the forwarding of the Mails while the DNS change. We have quite a lot Database driven Websites (even a lot of inserts). Is there a way to forward the Databasequeries or the whole HTTP-Traffic?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The order doesn't matter. :)

    When you update ISPConfig, it always uses the old values to avoid problems.

    I'd use SQL dumps, and if that doesn't work, you can copy the database files from /var/lib/mysql.

    You can configure your web applications to use the new database server instead of localhost.

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