moving ispconfig3 server to another server/hardware?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by pcurran, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. pcurran

    pcurran Member

    Hi, please help?
    1. I want to move my debian7 installation which includes isp3, virtualhosts, lvm, etc completely to another server/hardware. Can anyone give some suggestions about howtos in implementing such? Are there scripts, softwares that could make such moves easier?
    thank you.
  2. ITFixt

    ITFixt Member

    I have just done this (ubuntu 12.04 though), mostly successfully. the only thing I'm having a problem with is Dovecot and I'm just about to post a support request for that.

    Some suggestions:
    1. Use exactly the same OS installation on the new server as on the old one, with the same root password.
    2. Use exactly the same DBMS installation on the new server as on the old one, with the same root password.
    After you've got the ISPConfig installation complete and checked it works:
    3. Edit passwd and group on the new server to have the same users and groups as the old ones. Also, check apache2, ISPConfig, vmail, postfix and Dovecot (or whatever you're using) have the same UID & DIDs. I used Webmin to adjust as necessary.
    3. I moved all the databases (MySQL) by tarring up the mysql folder with Preserve Permission, and "use names, not numbers" set. Replace the installed mysql folder on the new server with the one un-tarred from the old one, with the service stopped, then start the DB service. I'd expect s similar approach to work for other DBMSs but YMMV.
    Note that this will include the ISPConfig DB and so all of your user /site/email/etc accounts and details should be there.
    4. Tar up all www folder & transfer it to the new server. Similarly with /etc/apache2, /var/vmail and any other mail folders that have stuff in them.

    That's not totally complete but with a bit of luck, that should get most things up & running. I'm still working on the last few bits & will try & write it all up properly when done.
  3. pcurran

    pcurran Member

    Thanks ITFixt,
    But I'm moving from Debian 6.0.6 32-bit to 64-bits? Any idea about howto?
  4. jims_a_winner

    jims_a_winner Member

    I found the easiest way was to use a backup script to backup all MySQL databases and restore them exactly the same to a new server after completing a fresh install.. I would make sure that ISP Config is updated to latest version on the old server first so that dbispconfig tables will be the same!

    Then restore the /var/vmail and /var/www folders from the old server to the new server - re-sync everything in ISP Config (Tools>Re-Sync)....

    Might be an idea to make backups of ftp/email server configs and any SSL certificates you have also.

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