Moving postfix data from old server???

Discussion in 'General' started by crypted, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. crypted

    crypted Member

    Okay, I am tossing my old machine with ISPConfig 2.x. I will be installing a new server with ISPConfig 3.x.

    I know that you CANNOT migrate the data.

    However, how can I move the POSTFIX data files and email accounts so that I can keep the users from losing all of their IMAP and unreceived POP3 email?

    Or, restore their mailboxes to the new POSTFIX once all of the accounts are re-established on the new ISPConfig?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Recreate the mail accounts in ispconfig 3 on the new server. Then copy the content of the "Maildir" directory on the old server to the corresponding directory /var/vmail/domain.tld/user/ on the new server. Then chown the data to user and group vmail.
  3. crypted

    crypted Member

    Now, the real dilemma I have is that I am migrating all data and re-establishing accounts on the new machine. Once that is done, I will be taking the old server offline and putting the new one it its place so that it will have the same IP range.

    Would you have any thoughts on how to postpone mail deliveries on the old machine, run a batch script to sftp the data to the appropriate directories, and then re-enable the mail for delivery once the new machine is swapped over onto the appropriate IP range?

    I'd assume I could shutdown Postfix and just do a fast transfer and swap, but I don't know...

    Any recommendations?

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