MRTG Problem

Discussion in 'Technical' started by surfer24, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. surfer24

    surfer24 New Member

    Dear All

    I have an E1 link (2Mbps) for the internet usage in my office. I have configured MRTG on Linux Proxy Machine and Router's serial interface. The problem that i have is some times in MRTG web page Bits per second increase up to 2.4 M or 4.8 M but it should not go over 2048 Kbps. How can this problem b resolved. Any assistance will b appriciated

    Iftikhar Ahmad
  2. Snowman

    Snowman Member

    wrong forum ?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does it maybe show LAN traffic, too?

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