Have a look here: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/63671-php-mssql-debian-stable.html http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/php-db http://www.pintmaster.com/wordpress...ssql-support-into-php-in-ubuntu-dapper-drake/
have tried Okay I followed every tutorial I can find and still can not get webserver to connect to a remote mssql server so I am assuming that I need to recompile php. I have looked for an easy to follow to the letter tutorial to do this to no avail. Can you help me? I really need to get this to work. I have a webserver with ispconfig linux debian but I am trying to connect to my gameserver which is windows 2000 advance server with MSSQL 2000 Server. Thank you in advance for your help. Keep in mind that I am an inexperienced linux user and have never attempted to compile php before nor have I ever tried to make a remote database connection. I have also never dealt with MSSQL before I have always used MySql.