Multi Server Setup on different Linux OS

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by abintipl, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. abintipl

    abintipl Member


    I have a dedicated server with 16 ips with Debian 6, Open Vz & IspConfig latest version

    The present set up goes as under;

    1.Created 15 Vps using OpenVz,11 Debian & 3 CentOS 6 on Dedicated Server
    2. Open Vz – One
    Debian VPS – 11 & these Debian VPS are
    Master Server – 1 ( Main Ispconfig Control Panel)
    My Own Custom Name Servers -2
    DB Server – 1
    Mail Server – 1
    Web servers – 6 (Additional)

    Now I want to install Cent OS on remaining 4 VPS ( for the reasons, requirement of my application which runs only ON Cent OS)

    My questions are as under;

    1.Can I connect 4 CentOs Servers(Slave) to my Master server?, If yes, should I go ahead with installation instructions as per ( up to steps 1-6 ( As per Debian Tutorial of Multi Setup) OR Any particular settings

    2.If answer to Q1 is NO, Should I install remaining 4 VPS without connecting to Master server & make these 4 VPS as independent servers with separate ISP config control panel installation

    3.If answer to Q 2 is Yes, can I use the same NS and create DNS Zones on my master server to use my custom Name Servers so my 4 CentOS are on the same Name Server Zone

    Please advice

    Thanks & regards,

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) You can mix different Linux distributions in a multiserver setup. As multiserver guides are available for debian only at the moment, please use the apropriate chapters of the perfect setup guides indstead. E.g. if you want to install a mail server, use the mail chapters + install mysql and php-cli plus the php modules. >ou can also just follow the while perfect setup and just install ispconfig at the end in expert instead of standard mode to join a master server. On the master itself, all you have to do is to add a new mysql root user for the new slave before you install ispconfig.

    3) yes.

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