Multiple Admin Users

Discussion in 'General' started by esadmf, Dec 25, 2005.

  1. esadmf

    esadmf New Member

    Is it possible to have multiple admin users for ISPConfig. Resellers don't quite work how I want them to. I want them to be able to access all the features the 'admin' user can, but with their own login/password.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, you can only have one admin user in ISPConfig. It's the same as in Linux: you only have one root user.
  3. Norman

    Norman Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Actually in linux you CAN have several root users with different names.
    Just change your users /etc/passwd entry..

    lets say you got

    change it to

    Secret hidden root-user! (of course any admin with enough knowledge should spot these kind of users if they arent his...)

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