multiple alias interfaces with seperate mac addresses

Discussion in 'Technical' started by archerjd, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. archerjd

    archerjd New Member

    Hi all,
    I am finally at the end of my rope on this issue.
    I have searched the web for a solution but only found others with a similar problem but no resolution.

    I just got installed a new fiber optic internet line with 64 static addresses with 2mb down and 1mb up. :D

    The problem is, it comes with a special 2-wire router that assigns these addresses via DHCP. When a device connects to the router and gets a lease the router adds the device to a list. From this list I can assign each device to a single public IP address. Therefore I cannot use aliased IP addressing for things such as a web server. I have experimented with using vlans as an alternative but still have not gotten there. Below is a link where some guys tried to to the same but that was 4 years ago.

    To be specific, the router is a 2-wire 3800HGV-B Gateway
    If anyone has any ideas for bypassing it I would be up for that.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. archerjd

    archerjd New Member

  3. archerjd

    archerjd New Member

    Ok, it looks like the only solution is to find a way to create virtual interfaces with seperate mac addresses and then set them to get an ip address via DHCP. Ideas anyone?
  4. tebokkel

    tebokkel New Member

    Well.. that sounds reasonable (lacking other features).
    Other thing I can think of, is setting a couple of static ARP-entries for your webserver on the router, but I suppose the ARP-table is not changeable..

    Have you thought of leasing multiple addresses on one interface, or is this the virtual interfaces you mentioned?

    (I don't see a problem in creating a lot of virtual interfaces, I've seen machines with dozens. It's just a tool, it doesn't need to look clean)

  5. archerjd

    archerjd New Member

    Thanks for your post Paul,

    I have not tried this method and will try shortly and let you know how it worked out.


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