Is it possible? Also how do I add multiple database users to one database? And third question if I create two users and one database and select one user for that database, I cannot see other user in mysql.user talbe. Is that how it is suppose to be?
I assume you talk about a server that has ISPConfig installed as you posted in the non ispconfig forum. Usermanagement on a server without an controlpanel can be done e.g. in phpmyadmin or you can create the users with the grant commands in the mysql shell.
Sorry, yes, with ispconfig. So when I create user for database, it isn't acctualy written to database until I create database and add user to it. because my ispconfig panel now behaves like that. Is that ok? If clients gonna add more users through phpmyadmin, it will not be registered in ispconfig. After deletion of cclient website, databases and client data in ispconfig, there gonna be leftovers - users created by that client through phpmyadmin.
Yes, thats the intended behaviour. Why shall ispconfig add a suer that cant be used for anything as it has no permissions at all. Beside that, ispconfig cant know on which server(s) xou will use that database user before you add the database and when yu have a setup of e.g. 10 servers, then it makes no sense to add the database user on all of them. ISPConfig has the option to add 1 rw user to a database and one ro user. a user can have multiple databases but a database can not have multiple users. Multiple users for one database (except of an additional ro user) is not that common in hosting, so if you want to do such a customs etup, then you can do that with phpmyadmin.
The current hosting in cPanel which I was planning to migrate to ISPConfig has many databases with multiple users per database. This would have to go in some FAQ inside my ISPConfig panel to let users now how the system behaves...