Multiple PHP versions with auto installer

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by iqpascal, Dec 21, 2022.

  1. iqpascal

    iqpascal Member

    I've just added an Ubuntu 22.04 installation to my ISPconfig network for the first time with the auto installer. It installed multiple PHP versions but they were not added to that server in ISPconfig. Is that normal behavior? I did use the --use-nginx switch btw.
  2. nhybgtvfr

    nhybgtvfr Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    they should get added automatically. they do at least on a standalone server. using nginx shouldn't make any difference to that as far as i'm aware...
    i guess it's possible you need to add the additional php information manually if you're adding a machine to an existing setup.
    so far i've only used the auto-installer for stand-alone test servers. i've not tried using it to add a server to an existing master yet.

    that said, the usual details it asks for when adding a new ispconfig install to an existing multi-server system doesn't really involve the php settings, so it does kind of make sense then that they would need to be added manually in those circumstances.
    Firman_syah likes this.

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