Multiple Server - How to Enable ISPConfig Interface on Other Server if Master is Down

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by jaypabs, Jun 28, 2022.

  1. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member


    In multiple server setup, only one ISPConfig interface is installed. What if the server that has ISPConfig interface is down? How do I enable ISPConfig interface on other server so I can still add/edit/delete websites and modify other settings?

    Additionally, how do you load balance two servers located on different web hosting? I am thinking about Cloudflare's load balancing but I'm not so sure if this can help divide traffic on both servers. Any idea on this?

    Note: I am using master/master MySQL setup to replicate the data.

    Thanks in advance
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Having a highly available UI is possible by e.g. using a MariadB cluster as backend for the interface. But do you really think that it's worth it? You'll probably just find out that the added complexity will give you more downtime than what you would have without it, seen that many times in the past on own and client systems. That's why I tend to keep systems as simple as possible plus virtualize them and having a good easy to restore backup. And the slave nodes are not affected if the interface is down anyway.

    E.g I run an ISPConfig system with a single interface node for more than 10 years, it was not down in that time except for planned maintenance. What's important is that you have a good backup plan and virtualize your systems, so that the GUI runs in a virtual machine. This allows you to recover it even on a fatal failure within a few minutes.
  3. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    Having a virtual machine sounds good. Can you please tell me how to virtualize it? It would be great if there is a tutorial about this. If none, please give me a little guide. I really don't have any idea of what you mean.

    Thank you
  4. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    You can use e.g. KVM or Proxmox, create vm and run ISPConfig server in its vm, so you can easily create a backup via snapshot.
  5. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    Sorry for late reply. But after days of thinking about your reply. I still don't know what you mean.

    Currently here's my setup:

    MySQL master <> master replication on my master server and slave server. So both servers can accept add/edit/delete of records on MySQL.

    Servers has two different IPs located on different web hosting.

    I was thinking that your reply is based on Multiple server setup. But mine is a mirror setup.

    If I was not mistaken, I think you're talking a setup like in

    That is:

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Thank you
  6. vk3heg

    vk3heg Member

    You need to re-think how the system is setup.
    My isp config install is a VPS, and so are all the others. Think of it like this:

    Your physical server (Ei: A car transport truck).
    Your server(s) then run as VPS's (Your servers are the cars on the transport truck).

    This give you the best flexibility, in doing backups or even moving to new server hardware.
    The VPS's will see the hardware as still being the same, so no major re-confirmation changes.

    Proxmox is ideal for this, as it takes your physical server (Transport truck) and allows you to run many vps's (the cars on the transport truck),

    You will need IP address for all of them though.
    till and ahrasis like this.

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