Multiserver DB-Backup

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by arraken, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. arraken

    arraken Member

    In my multiserver-setup the DB-Backups don't work 100% correctly: The backups are created, and are saved on the db-server in /var/backup/. But in the ISPConfig-Interface, only the webfolder-backup (tar.gz) shows up, and not the db-backup. So there is no way for the clients to get to the db-backup, or to restore the backup via the interface. Should the db-backups be stored on the db-server, or should they actually be transferred to the web/master server?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Maybe the db server is not able to write to the backup table in the master database. did you try to run a ispconfig update on the db server and anser "yes" when the updater asks to update permissions in master database?
  3. arraken

    arraken Member

    Hmm, I have not tried that. I will try it as soon as I do the next ISPConfig update and report back. (it's a production server - I don't want to update without some precautions.. ;) )
    But does the db-server need to write to the backup table, in order to copy the backups? Because as I stated, the backups are actually created. They are just not copied to the master-server, but to the /var/backup folder of the db-server.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The backups get stored on the db server, not the web server. When a db backup gets restored, then this will happen locally on the db system back into the database. But the backup has to show up on the master server to be able to restore it and for that reason, the db server tries to insert a record into the backup table on the master server when a backup is finished.
  5. arraken

    arraken Member

    Allright, thanks for clearing that up!

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