Multiserver enviroment and mysql database setup

Discussion in 'General' started by themark, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. themark

    themark Member


    we are in multiserver enviroment with ispconfig (both master and slave).

    An our customer has hosting setup in more than one server, so when he need to add an mysql database would very useful choose on what server create the new db (in order to have the mysql database locally on the same server where the website it's actived).


    if our customer make login on his panel (with the credentials that we had provide to him) he can't choose on what server the mysql database will be activated because the system took the default server of the profile of the customer.

    Our questione is: is there a way to let the customer choose on what server setup the new mysql database?

    Thank you, as usual.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Currently there can only one default database server set for each customer.
  3. themark

    themark Member

    ...and for reseller account?
    Reseller can choose on what server setup the mysql db?

    thank you

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