Multiserver setup - DNS question

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by futrix, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. futrix

    futrix New Member


    I am building following configuration:

    HOST A:

    HOST B:

    I have installed all the packages + ISPConfig. I can create sites, mailboxes, etc. Everything seems to work fine but the question is how to make DNS zones replicate from HOST A to HOST B? DNS-Template get replicated but zones are not.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The server services layou you've choosen is a bit problematic as mirroring works for all services configured of a server. So when you choose to mirror the system, then web, db and dns gets mirrored from server a to server b and you loose the ability to create mail records. So mirroring is most liekly not a option when you dont want to reinstall everything and choose a different services layout.

    The only option that remains is to not use automatic mirroring and use bind replication instead. This means that you have to create a primary zone record for the first server and a secondary zone record for the second server and let bind do the replication of the zone content.
  3. futrix

    futrix New Member

    I see. So is there a way to add "Allow zone transfers to these IPs (comma separated list)" field in DNS Template or make it default otherways?

    EDIT: One more thing: in default Debian 7.0 install, the /etc/bind/slave directory is not group writable which prevents creating zone files. After chmod transferred zone files appear correctly.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2013
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, add a line like:

    xfer =

    in the [zone] section of the template.

    Thanks for the note. We will add it to the install guide that it has to be changed.
  5. futrix

    futrix New Member

    Thank you. That works. I couldn't find that info in PDF.
  6. futrix

    futrix New Member

    One more thing about DNS. How can reseller create a Secondary Zone on other than default NS server? While creating zone as reseller there is no way to choose server.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The reselelr can create zones only on his default server.
  8. futrix

    futrix New Member

    Is there a way to change this? Or the other approach: is there a way to automate creation of secondary zone on second server when I add primary zone on the first one?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If both dns servers use ispconfig, then you should configure them as ispconfig mirrors. In that case ispconfig will take care for the mirroring and you dont have to create secondary recpord at all.
  10. futrix

    futrix New Member

    They are both ISPConfig, but secondary runs different set of services, and it cannot be mirrored.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok. Then there is currently no way to define a additional default dns server for the reseller in ispconfig. We have this on our todo list.

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