we need to restore( juste one days before) our main web server (with ispconfig panel and so main ispconfig database ...). during this days we only create one mailbox and one mail alias. After this successful restore, mailbox and ailias was not present in ispconfig WEBGUI (nomal) but present on mail server : normal. So we decide to recreate this two elements with ispconfig webgui. But now they are stucking in job queue (we see 2 red point in job queue) How can we correct this ? thank you.
Follow this guide: https://www.faqforge.com/linux/debugging-ispconfig-3-server-actions-in-case-of-a-failure/
Follow the guide : just , change server config (web1 and mail3) to "debug" log level ... on master server (ispconfig panel = web1) and on mailserver n°3, but no log debuging done or any action taken. Then red point ... disappear ! ISPCOnfig is a voodoo thing. The question stay the same : how did ispconfig will perform database sync after restoring server which hold the main ispconfig database (web1 in my case) ? (juste one day of offsync), how other server deal with master ispconfig database ? Here is our setup (can help other !)
It uses the server.updated value as @florian030 indicated above. With jobs in queue, you will want to set a lower value for your slave servers, less than what the master has queued to be done.
hello jesse, where can i found the "server.updated" on ispconfig WEBGUI ? master , slave : we have no master or slave , only a server , web1, that is hosting ispconfig panel , and can acces all other mariadb on all server ... is it that you call "master" server ?