Multiserver sync mirror vhosts

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by frederic, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. frederic

    frederic New Member


    Our setup:

    a- 1 main ispconfig for the adminpanel
    b- 1 mysql DB server
    c- 4 slave ispconfigs who are configured to be a mirror of the main ispconfig.
    d- The 4 slave ispconfigs are behind a loadbalancer with a shared nfs cluster.
    e- all the ispconfig servers use a nfs cluster to get the /var/www data.

    Our problem:
    Initially we started with:
    A- 1 main ispconfig for the admin panel
    B- 1 mysql DB server
    C- 1 slave ispconfig that was configured to be a mirror of the main ispconfig.
    Due to load issues we added 3 slave ispconfigs to spread the load.
    To make the 3 new slave's fully mirrored, we copied the vhosts/passwd entry's/group entry's etc from the main ispconfig.
    When we create a NEW website the site is correctly synced and there is no problem.

    Unfortunatly there seems to be a problem with the OLD websites who where created before the implementation of the 3 new slave mirrored ispconfigs.
    For example:
    We initially created a site domainA.tld with 3 aliases domaina1.tld domaina2.tld and domaina3.tld.
    When we we change the site configuration of domainA.tld on the ispconfig panel, the vhost is regenerated on all the slave ispconfigs BUT the alias websites aren't added in the vhost on the 3 new ispconfigs.

    Anyone tips?

    Best Regards,
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Try torun the resync tool, you can find it in the tools module.

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