mx record not set up for new site + misc

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by jmroth, Sep 12, 2005.

  1. jmroth

    jmroth New Member

    Hi there,
    I have selected default MX in server settings.
    However, when I create a new site (with a new domain), MX records are not generated. (The A record is there.)
    Why could that be?

    Also, what does "Mailuser Login" in the site configuration mean? I found no docs on that...

    Last thing, although I selected "SSI" in my hosting template, SSI is not activated in a new site using that template (checkbox is not checked), probably a small bug.

  2. domino

    domino New Member

    Welcome Jim,

    Sorry but I am not quaified to answer the first 2 questions. But I might be able to help a bit with the last.

    please disreagrds this post : I don't know wether it's a bug or not, but did you use a different virtual IP for every site you enabled SSL on? Otherwise, you will usually get some kind of error.

    Man, I have to change these fonts in Mac. Sorry about the bad post Jim. I couldn't distinguish the "L" from the "I".
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2005
  3. domino

    domino New Member

    To breafly add to my experience, my SSI setting stick when I tick the box. I can use the includes on pages I create with pure html and php or cgi.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Dont know, it should work like this.

    If you check this checkboy, email users are able to login to the controlpanel.
    The login-page is:

    We will try to verify that behaviour, together with the problem you posted above.
  5. jmroth

    jmroth New Member

    Hello again,
    I've looked more closely at the default mx record issue...
    When adding a new site, information is added to the dns_nodes as well as to the dns_mx tables.
    The entry in doc_nodes is of type 1020 (i.e. mx) and doc_id is the correct doc_id from the dns_mx table.
    However neither MX record nor the corresponding A record is generated in the zonefile.
    Maybe this helps.
  6. jmroth

    jmroth New Member

    Hi there,
    I have now narrowed down the error with the Default MX to the dns_dep table. dns_mx and dns_nodes are correct but the corresponding entries in dns_dep (child_doctype_id=1020) are missing. In other words, the SQL query in ispconfig_bind.lib.php at line 210 which (in my case) is:
    select, dns_mx.prioritaet, dns_mx.mailserver
    from dns_dep, dns_mx, dns_nodes
    WHERE dns_dep.parent_doc_id = '10' AND
    	dns_dep.parent_doctype_id = '1016' AND
    	dns_dep.child_doctype_id = '1020' AND
    yields no results, already taking only the first 3 conditions into account.
    Some previous script must have forgotten to create these entries. Can someone take a look?
  7. lexcomputer

    lexcomputer New Member

    Concerning about DNS that I am getting confuse

    I don't know what does "Domain Authentication Information" is use for?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    thank ypo for you detailed bug report. We will have a look at this issue. The error must be in the file /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/classes/ispconfig_isp_dns.lib.php
  9. jmroth

    jmroth New Member

    In the file you named , starting at line 253 $parent_doc_id and $parent_tree_id seem to be '0', which is probably not what we want. I.e. the insertions are made into dns_dep but they are wrong...

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