I think I´ll start with a big THANK YOU to everyone that has contributed to this forum, writing tutorials and replying to topics. It has been a major help. I bought the ISPConfig manual but did not have the answers that I was looking for but assisted me in other things. I´m a Linux newbie setting up my own Debian server and ISPConfig on top. It´s been a steep learning curve since I´ve postponed writing a support-thread and tried to figure this out myself. I´ve been going in circles so hopefully someone here can assist me in getting this right. I followed this tutorial. In the end of this thread I put the relevant settings so you get a better picture of how my system looks. Here are a couple of questions: 1. How can I create ns1 and ns2 on my server if I only have one computer running all the services (web, dns, ftp, mail, et.c.)? 2. My registrar is IXWEBHOSTING but I was not able to put the static IP issued by my ISP as a DNS. Although, I was able to add the DNS of a freeDNS account I have at a local organization. I therefore assume that my DNS settings are not correct. 3. My machine has two NIC´s. Is it possible (or even a good idea) to connect the WAN straight to the machine and put the router behind it? 4. During the Debian install I gave my host a name (server1) and used a domain I have (e.g. example.com) at IXWEBHOSTING as my network domain. Is there perhaps somekind of conflict since I can´t change the DNS at IX? After reading the Debian doc I changed resolv.conf, hosts and hostname and added a new domain and host name but I´m not sure if that was smart of me. So how can I have everything work using BIND as the DNS server for the required ns (ns1, ns2) on one machine? I´m completely lost. Thanks for your patience. Here are my settings. ROUTER Gateway: DNS: and Port forward: 80, 8080, 53 /etc/resolv.conf domain eastside search eastside nameserver /etc/hostname maur /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost maur.eastside maur # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet
wrong category Sorry about posting this here. Though I´m sure I clicked the right category before I created the thread Please move it for me. Thanks.