Mydns MX record failure

Discussion in 'General' started by mgrandio, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. mgrandio

    mgrandio New Member

    We have a Opensuse 11.1 the perfect setup ispconfig 3 setup, we are hosting about 10 domains in this server, with 2 of them we have the following problem:

    When somebody tries to send an email to any account in this domains his postmaster answers

    Sorry, I couldn't find a mail exchanger or IP address. (#5.4.4)

    on ISPconfig I created an A record for a host called
    then a MX record podatabaseinting to

    I have reviewed the tables on the ispconfig and the rows for these domain are exactly the same taht for all the other domains, but when you do dig mx the answer is: 86013 IN MX 10

    instead of 86013 IN MX 10

    I have not been able to start mydns with verbose option turned on to see in the log files how the querys are answered:mad:

    any ideas? :confused::confused:
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You missed to add the dot at the end of in the MX record.

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