MyDNS-NG Fails with errors.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Timpa, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Timpa

    Timpa New Member

    MyDNS-NG Fails with errors to slave bind dns.

    Jul 21 15:46:06 HIDDEN-HOSTNAME mydns[3289]: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: SOA mydomain.tld. (9) NEED_ANSWER, High Priority IO Driven Task: FORMERR in query - NOTIFY is currently not a supported opcode

    MyDNS.conf without MYSQL Login.

    user = nobody # Run with the permissions of this user
    group = nogroup # Run with the permissions of this group
    listen = * # Listen on these addresses ('*' for all)
    no-listen = # Do not listen on these addresses

    zone-cache-size = 2048 # Maximum number of elements stored in the zone cache
    zone-cache-expire = 60 # Number of seconds after which cached zones expires
    reply-cache-size = 2048 # Maximum number of elements stored in the reply cache
    reply-cache-expire = 30 # Number of seconds after which cached replies expire

    log = LOG_DAEMON # Facility to use for program output (LOG_*/stdout/stderr)
    pidfile = /var/run/ # Path to PID file
    timeout = 120 # Number of seconds after which queries time out
    multicpu = 1 # Number of CPUs installed on your system
    recursive = # Location of recursive resolver
    allow-axfr = yes # Should AXFR be enabled?
    allow-tcp = yes # Should TCP be enabled?
    allow-update = yes # Should DNS UPDATE be enabled?
    notify-enabled = yes # Should DNS NOTIFY be enabled?
    ignore-minimum = no # Ignore minimum TTL for zone?
    soa-table = dns_soa # Name of table containing SOA records
    rr-table = dns_rr # Name of table containing RR data
    soa-where = server_id = 1 # Extra WHERE clause for SOA queries
    rr-where = server_id = 1 # Extra WHERE clause for RR queries
    use-soa-active = yes # To fix bug 295 where active or inactive status is ignored.
    use-rr-active = yes# To fix bug 295 where active or inactive status is ignored.

    And in the mysql database is my slave dns XFER ip.

    On my SLAVE DNS Server bind9 conf (named.conf)
    options {
    // Relative to the chroot directory, if any
    directory "/etc/namedb";
    pid-file "/var/run/named/pid";
    dump-file "/var/dump/named_dump.db";
    statistics-file "/var/stats/named.stats";
    listen-on { any; };
    listen-on-v6 { any; };
    request-ixfr no;

    zone "domain.tld" {
    type slave;
    file "slave/domain.db";
    masters { XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX; };

    Can someone PLEASE help me with this.
    Best Regards Timpa from Sweden.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  2. Timpa

    Timpa New Member


    I have this problem before i entered option "request-ixfr no;" to named.conf
    named[67692]: transfer of 'domain.tld/IN' from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#53: failed while receiving responses: end of file

    dig @mymainserver domain.tld axfr
    is working from the slave.

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