mydns-ng / mydnsconfig : not working right

Discussion in 'General' started by zcworld, May 2, 2009.

  1. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    hi all
    sys info:
    mydns-ng 1.2.8
    DEB : 4.0 R1

    im having a problem with the myDNS-ng
    i followed

    and its all runs fine

    but when i go to ping an DNS record i added nothing

    but when i add some of my old DNS record from Ver 1 mydns to the SQL database in the SOA table
    its works fine for them but its not showing up in the DNS Control Panel

    mydns.conf file info


    user = nobody # Run with the permissions of this user
    group = nogroup # Run with the permissions of this group
    listen = * # Listen on these addresses ('*' for all)
    no-listen = # Do not listen on these addresses


    zone-cache-size = 2048 # Maximum number of elements stored in the zone cache
    zone-cache-expire = 60 # Number of seconds after which cached zones expires
    reply-cache-size = 2048 # Maximum number of elements stored in the reply cache
    reply-cache-expire = 30 # Number of seconds after which cached replies expire


    log = LOG_DAEMON # Facility to use for program output (LOG_*/stdout/stder r)
    pidfile = /var/run/ # Path to PID file
    timeout = 120 # Number of seconds after which queries time out
    multicpu = 1 # Number of CPUs installed on your system
    recursive = # Location of recursive resolver
    allow-axfr = yes # Should AXFR be enabled?
    allow-tcp = yes # Should TCP be enabled?
    allow-update = no # Should DNS UPDATE be enabled?
    ignore-minimum = no # Ignore minimum TTL for zone?
    soa-table = dns_soa # Name of table containing SOA records
    rr-table = dns_rr # Name of table containing RR data
    soa-where = server_id = 1 # Extra WHERE clause for SOA queries
    rr-where = server_id = 1 # Extra WHERE clause for RR queries
    use-soa-active = yes # To fix bug 295 where active or inactive status is ignored .
    use-rr-active = yes# To fix bug 295 where active or inactive status is ignored.d
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Looks as if you used the wrong database. Your mydns server has to use the mydnsconfig database and not any other database on your server
  3. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    did an reinstall of the OS and did it again now its all working
    looked at the mydns.conf file and same as the fist one i posted
    but as long as its working right now im happy

    with all of my DNS records and showing up in the DNS CP
    thanks for the help

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