MyDNS problem and Iptables problem

Discussion in 'General' started by Gimly, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. Gimly

    Gimly Member

    ISPConfig 3 : Multi-questions

    Hi All,

    1) I've problem with MyDNS, I upgraded ISPConfig to beta and when I want to start service, I've this error (I've translate in english the answer of this command) :

    2) I use VM with openvz on proxmox, but when I start VM, iptables rules created with ispconfig are launch and I can't resolv DNS. But when I delete fw rules, it's not delete on servers.

    3) If anyone can answers to my question :

    4) Is there a way to delete 640 pages of warning in one clic ?

    If you have an idea ?

    Thank you :)
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Your /tmp directory is not writable or full.
    2) Make sure that you have opened the dns port.
    4) No.
  3. Gimly

    Gimly Member

    1) Permissions :

    and result for df -h :

    I think it's ok, no ?

    I use openvz so my /tmp are in / and disk space is ok
  4. Gimly

    Gimly Member

    I tested with "chmod 777 /tmp" and MyDNS work fine but chmod 777 on /tmp is fault of security, no ?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Temp directory must be writable for everyone, thats the purpose of this directory.

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