MyDNS ? Why ?

Discussion in 'General' started by bl4ckb1rd, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. bl4ckb1rd

    bl4ckb1rd New Member

    One question only... why was mydns imported into ISPconfig 3, instead of bind like old versions ?

    For example... this crapy program is taking way too much cpu usage by doing absolutely nothing. I didn't even put server online and it's already consuming 9% of CPU usage... Here is just an example:

    I wonder how this thing will perform when i put like 100+ pages on it... it'll go nuts probably. I dont think changing defacto best dns service as bind is good idea, but ok please tell your opinion please.
  2. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    not sure why
    but here is what i think
    due to the MyDNS use an SQL backend to handle the DNS recoards
    and you can add / change them on the fly without needing to restart the DNS server

    but its odd that mydns is runing at an high level on your system there
    i use it for my DNS server on my network for privte DNS and access to outside my LAN DNS lookups
    without a problem / any CPU being used

    maybe restart the system

    or do an install in VM and see how its goes
    see if it is using less CPU
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Seems to be a problem with your server only. We are using mydns on several heavy used dns servers and the load is very low.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can configure caching in the MyDNS configuration. That might decrease your load. Also, you can optimize MySQL (e.g. enable the query cache).
  5. bl4ckb1rd

    bl4ckb1rd New Member

    Well as i dont have any zone in mydns yet, nor i have port open for dns, this means the daemon is idling in background doing nothing. That's the thing. So enabling cache or mysql cache wouldn't really help out at all i think. But ok i'll wait till repositories of centos 5.2 bring new mydns port and i'll update it and see if that fixes the issue. Else it's just very unoptimized dns daemon i guess...
  6. bl4ckb1rd

    bl4ckb1rd New Member

    Oh yes and here is munin graph of cpu usage... before you can see there was all the time cpu usage by "system"... and after i turned off "mydns" (i'll probably use bind for now), you can see how much system usage dropped out. Almost to zero...

    Best regards.

    Thanks for the replies though.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    From a freshly installed ispconfig 3 server without load on the dns server:

    ps aux | grep mydns
    nobody   11622  0.0  0.0   4792  1328 ?        Ss   Feb15   0:00 /usr/local/sbin/mydns -b
    nobody   11623  0.0  0.0   4956  1468 ?        S    Feb15   0:00 /usr/local/sbin/mydns -b
    root     26214  0.0  0.0   1720   504 pts/0    R+   08:41   0:00 grep mydn
  8. bl4ckb1rd

    bl4ckb1rd New Member

    what distro is this ?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Debian Lenny, latest released mydns-ng version.
  10. sefs

    sefs New Member

    Same problem here ... MyDns is stuck at 94% CPU usage. What could this be.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which mydns version?
  12. sefs

    sefs New Member


    I was following the install txt file in the ispconfig distro.

    I just went though and see they have realeased up to...mydns-

    I note though that ispconfig install was done after the installation of mydns which means it is possible that isconfig did some configuration and setup of mydns after it was installed?

    If so how can I safely upgrade to the latest version there to see if that solves the issues, and still maintain the integration of mydns and the ispconfig panel.

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  14. sefs

    sefs New Member

    Can you see my question above before I attempt this. I will do the install the same way as i did the first install for mydns? That's all? I dont have to worry about doing anything fancy to maintain its integration with isconfig?
  15. sefs

    sefs New Member

    I've upgrade MyDns to .26 ... still the same starts off good then after a while it shoots up and maintins 90+ cpu usuage until i stop the dns service. Which leads to system state going back to normal.

    How widely has this been beta tested and will there be a deluge or bug reports when this comes out of rc and is more widely used.

    Its a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04 + ispconfig rc2

    Is there a way to uninstall safely and integrate bind into ispconfig? Some help is needed here if possible.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    More then 10 000 installations and I use it also in production on a few of my own servers without any problem.
  17. sefs

    sefs New Member

    Is there a way to replace it with bind. will it mess up my ispconfig install.

    Will i be still able to use dns wizard with bind?
  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Bind is not supported by ISPconfig 3. As mydns works fine in thousands of installations there must be a problem with your specific install.
  19. sefs

    sefs New Member

    I was looking at this page

    And saw this...
    Finally, we need to fix the system startup links for MyDNS. MyDNS depends on MySQL, so MyDNS must start after MySQL has started, otherwise it will fail. The default startup links for MyDNS make it start before MySQL which is wrong, so we fix this as follows:
    cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
    mv S52mydns S99mydns
    cd /etc/rc.d/rc4.d
    mv S52mydns S99mydns
    cd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
    mv S52mydns S99mydns
    MySQL uses the startup links S64mysql, so renaming the MyDNS startup links from S52mydns to S99mydns makes sure that MyDNS starts after MySQL. 
    I looked into my rc* directories and saw that rc0.d. rc1.d and rc6.d has mydns coming before mysql (which i guess means it starts before mysql?)
    BUT in rc2.d to rc2.5 it starts very close after.

    Do you think this could be a problem....I am not to sure how to address rc0, rc1 and rc6 as the guy above talks only about rc3, rc4 and rc5.

    What do your rc* folder arrangement looks like.

    Would rc0,1,6 cause a problem with mydns comming before mysql and if so what should i do in my context.

    Thanks...listing of my rc* directories below

    #### mydns starts before mysql
    K01gdm           K20clamav-daemon       K20mydns            K22mysql-ndb         README
    K01usplash       K20clamav-freshclam    K20postfix          K23mysql-ndb-mgm     S15wpa-ifupdown
    K08vmware-tools  K20courier-authdaemon  K20pure-ftpd-mysql        S20sendsigs
    K09apache2       K20courier-imap        K20saslauthd        K50alsa-utils        S30urandom
    K16dhcdbd        K20courier-imap-ssl    K20xinetd           K59mountoverflowtmp
    K19samba         K20courier-pop         K21amavis           K79quotarpc          S40umountfs
    K20apport        K20courier-pop-ssl     K21mysql            K85quota             S60umountroot
    K20avahi-daemon  K20denyhosts           K21spamassassin     K99laptop-mode       S90halt
    #### mydns starts before mysql
    K01gdm         K20acpi-support        K20courier-pop-ssl  K21acpid          K80cupsys
    K01usplash     K20apmd                K20denyhosts        K21amavis         K84ssh
    K09apache2     K20apport              K20hotkey-setup     K21mysql          K88dbus
    K11anacron     K20avahi-daemon        K20mydns            K21spamassassin   K89klogd
    K11atd         K20clamav-daemon       K20postfix          K22mysql-ndb      K90sysklogd
    K11cron        K20clamav-freshclam    K20powernowd        K23mysql-ndb-mgm  K99laptop-mode
    K15pulseaudio  K20courier-authdaemon  K20pure-ftpd-mysql  K23ntp            K99policykit
    K16dhcdbd      K20courier-imap        K20rsync            K39ufw            README
    K16hal         K20courier-imap-ssl    K20saslauthd        K74bluetooth      S30killprocs
    K19samba       K20courier-pop         K20xinetd           K79quotarpc       S90single
    #### mydns starts just after mysql?
    K08vmware-tools              S19amavis              S20denyhosts        S25bluetooth
    README                       S19mysql               S20hotkey-setup     S25pulseaudio
    S01policykit                 S19spamassassin        S20mydns            S30gdm
    S05vbesave                   S19vmware-tools        S20postfix          S89anacron
    S10acpid                     S20apmd                S20powernowd        S89atd
    S10powernowd.early           S20apport              S20pure-ftpd-mysql  S89cron
    S10sysklogd                  S20clamav-daemon       S20rsync            S91apache2
    S10xserver-xorg-input-wacom  S20clamav-freshclam    S20samba            S98usplash
    S11klogd                     S20courier-authdaemon  S20saslauthd        S99acpi-support
    S12dbus                      S20courier-imap        S20xinetd           S99laptop-mode
    S16ssh                       S20courier-imap-ssl    S21quotarpc         S99rc.local
    S17mysql-ndb-mgm             S20courier-pop         S23ntp              S99rmnologin
    S18avahi-daemon              S20courier-pop-ssl     S24dhcdbd           S99stop-readahead
    S18mysql-ndb                 S20cupsys              S24hal
    #### mydns starts just after mysql?
    K08vmware-tools              S19mysql               S20hotkey-setup     S25pulseaudio
    README                       S19spamassassin        S20mydns            S30gdm
    S01policykit                 S19vmware-tools        S20postfix          S89anacron
    S05vbesave                   S20apmd                S20powernowd        S89atd
    S10acpid                     S20apport              S20pure-ftpd-mysql  S89cron
    S10sysklogd                  S20clamav-daemon       S20rsync            S91apache2
    S10xserver-xorg-input-wacom  S20clamav-freshclam    S20samba            S98usplash
    S11klogd                     S20courier-authdaemon  S20saslauthd        S99acpi-support
    S12dbus                      S20courier-imap        S20xinetd           S99laptop-mode
    S16ssh                       S20courier-imap-ssl    S21quotarpc         S99rc.local
    S17mysql-ndb-mgm             S20courier-pop         S23ntp              S99rmnologin
    S18avahi-daemon              S20courier-pop-ssl     S24dhcdbd
    S18mysql-ndb                 S20cupsys              S24hal
    S19amavis                    S20denyhosts           S25bluetooth
    #### mydns starts just after mysql?
    README                       S19mysql               S20hotkey-setup     S25bluetooth
    S01policykit                 S19spamassassin        S20mydns            S25pulseaudio
    S05vbesave                   S20apmd                S20postfix          S30gdm
    S10acpid                     S20apport              S20powernowd        S89anacron
    S10sysklogd                  S20clamav-daemon       S20pure-ftpd-mysql  S89atd
    S10xserver-xorg-input-wacom  S20clamav-freshclam    S20rsync            S89cron
    S11klogd                     S20courier-authdaemon  S20samba            S91apache2
    S12dbus                      S20courier-imap        S20saslauthd        S98usplash
    S16ssh                       S20courier-imap-ssl    S20xinetd           S99acpi-support
    S17mysql-ndb-mgm             S20courier-pop         S21quotarpc         S99laptop-mode
    S18avahi-daemon              S20courier-pop-ssl     S23ntp              S99rc.local
    S18mysql-ndb                 S20cupsys              S24dhcdbd           S99rmnologin
    S19amavis                    S20denyhosts           S24hal
    #### mydns starts just after mysql?
    K08vmware-tools              S19mysql               S20hotkey-setup     S25pulseaudio
    README                       S19spamassassin        S20mydns            S30gdm
    S01policykit                 S19vmware-tools        S20postfix          S89anacron
    S05vbesave                   S20apmd                S20powernowd        S89atd
    S10acpid                     S20apport              S20pure-ftpd-mysql  S89cron
    S10sysklogd                  S20clamav-daemon       S20rsync            S91apache2
    S10xserver-xorg-input-wacom  S20clamav-freshclam    S20samba            S98usplash
    S11klogd                     S20courier-authdaemon  S20saslauthd        S99acpi-support
    S12dbus                      S20courier-imap        S20xinetd           S99laptop-mode
    S16ssh                       S20courier-imap-ssl    S21quotarpc         S99rc.local
    S17mysql-ndb-mgm             S20courier-pop         S23ntp              S99rmnologin
    S18avahi-daemon              S20courier-pop-ssl     S24dhcdbd
    S18mysql-ndb                 S20cupsys              S24hal
    S19amavis                    S20denyhosts           S25bluetooth
    #### mydns starts before mysql?
    K01gdm           K20clamav-daemon       K20mydns            K22mysql-ndb         README
    K01usplash       K20clamav-freshclam    K20postfix          K23mysql-ndb-mgm     S15wpa-ifupdown
    K08vmware-tools  K20courier-authdaemon  K20pure-ftpd-mysql        S20sendsigs
    K09apache2       K20courier-imap        K20saslauthd        K50alsa-utils        S30urandom
    K16dhcdbd        K20courier-imap-ssl    K20xinetd           K59mountoverflowtmp
    K19samba         K20courier-pop         K21amavis           K79quotarpc          S40umountfs
    K20apport        K20courier-pop-ssl     K21mysql            K85quota             S60umountroot
    K20avahi-daemon  K20denyhosts           K21spamassassin     K99laptop-mode       S90reboot
  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you use ubuntu or centos? Above you said that you use ubuntu and now you link to a centos installation.

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