MyDNSConfig manual installation?

Discussion in 'General' started by myrandor, May 14, 2009.

  1. myrandor

    myrandor New Member

    It there a procedure somewhere to do the manual installation of MyDNSConfig? I'm currently running a custom multi-VPS on a Linux Gentoo and I don't think that the automated installation will work.

    MyDNS 1.1, MySQL 5 and Apache2.2+PHP5.2 are all on a separate VPS (separate IP and filesystem) and so, setting MyDNS or Apache by the script could be very tricky.

    I'm currently using MyDNSConfig 1.0.0 which was just a "cp -R" so I didn't have any issue there.

    Any ideas?

    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    For MyDNSConfig 3.x, there's no manual installation routine.
  3. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    i got the lastest ver of mydns / mydnscofig installed CENTOS 5.3 manual

    but some of the DNS CP dont work but thats fine by me .

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