MySql Cluster on Etch Questions

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by tfunky, May 7, 2007.

  1. tfunky

    tfunky New Member


    Maybe this actually belongs in the "HowTo Request" section, but I'm hoping that it isn't much of a tweak to get it to work on Etch.

    I have a few questions though...

    1. I went to MySql's site to download the latest version of MySql and I'm not seeing a Max version (non-rpm) for AMD64. Did they change the way it's packaged so it's just in "standard" mysql5?

    2. I had an server that died that was based upon the MySQL Cluster howto for Debian sarge. I completely killed it so I deleted it and started over thinking it would be a cinch to rebuild from scratch. Can I reuse the loadbalancers? Or do I need to build them over again from scratch since the version of MySQL will be different?

    3. Other than the obvious version changes for MySQL, would there be any significant issues with following the Sarge MySQL cluster howto for Etch?

    If I'm looking at this right, there aren't that many differences between the what the sarge install would look like and the Etch install (again, other than the MySQL version thing)....Am I completely barking up the wrong tree or will it be pretty much the same thing?

    Thanks for your advice!!!


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think the cluster functions are in the standard MySQL package since MySQL 5.1 (but I'm not sure).

    I think so. :)
  3. tfunky

    tfunky New Member

    So then by that rational I should be able to use the normal aptitude install mysql51-server?

    Thanks for your help!

  4. tfunky

    tfunky New Member

    Just an update...

    5.1 is still beta software.

    I'm still digging for a way to use the 5.0 max version on AMD64.

    Wish me luck! ;)

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