mysql db's are not created

Discussion in 'General' started by AllanJ, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. AllanJ

    AllanJ New Member


    I have a strange problem, that I have not seen before.
    It is 2.2.24 running on Ubuntu Hardy, and i made a clean install, created a reseller, created a customer, and a website. Then I made 2 db's for the website, but mysqlshow does not list them.

    They are listes in the ISPconfig interface, but deleting them does not work, they are moved to the wastebasket OK, but emptying the wastebasket does not work. I can bring them back from the wastebasket, but they are not actually created then either.

    How do i debug this ?

    Best regards
    Allan Jacobsen
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please make sure that the mysql user that you used to install ISPConfig has root priveliges.

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