Mysql disk quota

Discussion in 'General' started by Whitenoise, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. Whitenoise

    Whitenoise New Member


    I just have a quick question: if I allocate, for example, 100 Mb to a website, does it include the disk space used by the databases?

    I read somewhere in this forum that the database quota is enforced only for the resellers. Is this correct or does it also work for every single website?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is no database space quota in ISPConfig at all, just a quota for the number of databases. Databases are not part of the website quota as mysql databases are owned by the linux user mysql and not by the user of the website.
  3. Whitenoise

    Whitenoise New Member

    Ok, thankyou. Do you think such a feature will be introduced in the future?
  4. tal56

    tal56 Member

    How come in the Stats tab it shows how much space the mysql database is using? Is that just for information purposes or is that added to the over all quota as well?

  5. zcworld

    zcworld New Member

    its show you how big the mysql database is so that you know
    if its gets too big it can be slow
    or if you going to do an backup you know its could tab some time to backup the database and download the file ...

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