Mysql problems on DB server

Discussion in 'General' started by beenfishing, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. beenfishing

    beenfishing New Member

    Good Day

    I have started getting "could not connect to sql server" from my websites. If i restart sql, then it works again, sometimes for a day, sometimes only for an hour.

    I have a multiserver setup on Debian 6, I've just updated to Ispconfig

    I am also getting these entries in my DB server when in debug mode.

    2012-10-16 17:35 Warning DB::query(INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) VALUES (3, 'os_info', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'a:2:{s:4:"name";s:6:"Debian";s:7:"version";s:11:"Squeeze/Sid";}', 'no_state')) -> mysql_query Duplicate entry '3-os_info-1350408928' for key 'PRIMARY'
    2012-10-16 17:35 Warning DB::query(INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) VALUES (3, 'server_load', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'a:8:{s:7:"up_days";d:4;s:8:"up_hours";d:9;s:10:"up_minutes";d:33;s:6:"uptime";s:70:" 19:35:24 up 4 days, 9:33, 1 user, load average: 10.05, 7.98, 4.44n";s:11:"user_online";i:1;s:6:"load_1";d:10.050000000000000710542735760100185871124267578125;s:6:"load_5";d:7.980000000000000426325641456060111522674560546875;s:7:"load_15";d:4.44000000000000039079850466805510222911834716796875;}', 'ok')) -> mysql_query Duplicate entry '3-server_load-1350408927' for key 'PRIMARY'
    2012-10-16 17:35 Warning DB::query(INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) VALUES (3, 'ispc_info', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'a:2:{s:4:"name";s:9:"ISPConfig";s:7:"version";s:7:"";}', 'no_state')) -> mysql_query Duplicate entry '3-ispc_info-1350408927' for key 'PRIMARY'
    2012-10-16 17:35 Warning DB::query(INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) VALUES (3, 'ispc_info', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'a:2:{s:4:"name";s:9:"ISPConfig";s:7:"version";s:7:"";}', 'no_state')) -> mysql_query Duplicate entry '3-ispc_info-1350408927' for key 'PRIMARY'
    2012-10-16 17:35 Warning DB::query(INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) VALUES (3, 'os_info', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'a:2:{s:4:"name";s:6:"Debian";s:7:"version";s:11:"Squeeze/Sid";}', 'no_state')) -> mysql_query Duplicate entry '3-os_info-1350408927' for key 'PRIMARY'
    2012-10-16 17:35 Warning DB::query(INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) VALUES (3, 'os_info', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'a:2:{s:4:"name";s:6:"Debian";s:7:"version";s:11:"Squeeze/Sid";}', 'no_state')) -> mysql_query Duplicate entry '3-os_info-1350408927' for key 'PRIMARY'
    2012-10-16 17:35 Warning DB::query(INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) VALUES (3, 'server_load', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'a:8:{s:7:"up_days";d:4;s:8:"up_hours";d:9;s:10:"up_minutes";d:33;s:6:"uptime";s:70:" 19:35:24 up 4 days, 9:33, 1 user, load average: 10.05, 7.98, 4.44n";s:11:"user_online";i:1;s:6:"load_1";d:10.050000000000000710542735760100185871124267578125;s:6:"load_5";d:7.980000000000000426325641456060111522674560546875;s:7:"load_15";d:4.44000000000000039079850466805510222911834716796875;}', 'ok')) -> mysql_query Duplicate entry '3-server_load-1350408926' for key 'PRIMARY'
    2012-10-16 17:35 Warning DB::query(INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) VALUES (3, 'server_load', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'a:8:{s:7:"up_days";d:4;s:8:"up_hours";d:9;s:10:"up_minutes";d:33;s:6:"uptime";s:70:" 19:35:25 up 4 days, 9:33, 1 user, load average: 10.05, 7.98, 4.44n";s:11:"user_online";i:1;s:6:"load_1";d:10.050000000000000710542735760100185871124267578125;s:6:"load_5";d:7.980000000000000426325641456060111522674560546875;s:7:"load_15";d:4.44000000000000039079850466805510222911834716796875;}', 'ok')) -> mysql_query Duplicate entry '3-server_load-1350408926' for key 'PRIMARY'

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I have been trying to sort this problem out for nearly a week now.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does your server have enough RAM? Have you tried to optimize your MySQL settings?
  3. beenfishing

    beenfishing New Member

    Thanks so much for your response.

    I think so, it's got 4GB, it's not a very busy server, how much ram do you think I need and how do I optimize MySQL?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Try to set

    max_connections = 500
    max_user_connctions = 500

    in the [mysqld] section of the mysql my.cnf file and restart mysql.
  5. beenfishing

    beenfishing New Member

    I have made the changes, will see how it goes and will let you know if it happens again.

    Thanks again for your assistance, really appreciate it.

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