dear falko, till! i need to upgrade mysql (from 4.0.23 to 4.1.14). i wonder if i have to update php too can you tell in short what steps are necessary? or does a guideline exist in this board? i've searched, but haven't found anything concerning this issue. regards, dumb-medic
yast shows some dependency-probs: phpmyadmin requires the old mysql-shared libraries. so i'm going to remove phpmyadmin and try again the mysql-upgrade this evening. regards, dumb-medic
I just upgraded from mysql 4 to 4.1 so I could use utf-8. I did the upgrade with apt-get, so I guess you could just use yast as falko said. I didn't have any issues with mysql, but I did with utf-8
hi till, i do use phpmyadmin via isp-config, but using yast it shows some dependency-problems. my distribution is in german, i've tried to translate analogously: Conflict with mysql-shared 4.1.14-1 perl-DBD-mysql requires php4-mysql requires possible options delete packages involved with this conflict: perl-DBD-mysql phpMyAdmin php4-mysql my plan so far was: removing phpmyadmin from ispconfig, upgrading mysql and reinstalling phpmyadmin via ispconfig. now falko said that it's not necessary to upgrade php (version 4.3.8 is installed), but yast shows up php4-mysql involved with conflicts. now i do not really know where to start. regards, dumb-medic
This refers to a SuSE phpMyAdmin package you have installed, not to ISPConfig's phpMyAdmin (yast doesn't even know that you have it installed because it's not a SuSE package). So you don't have to remove the ISPConfig phpMyAdmin and install it again afterwards. I don't know if yast provides a new php-mysql package if you upgrade MySQL - you can only try...
The phpmyadmin shown is YAST is not the ISPConfig phpmyadmin! YAST does not know at all. that ISPConfig has an phpmyadmin package You can just delete the phpmyadmin pacakge listed by YAST.
was my assumption too, normally i know what i'm doing and i cannot remember i've setup phpmyadmin outside ispconfig. so kicked and gone, phpmyadmin over ispconfig still accessable and functioning. however, this two conflicts still show up: perl-DBD-mysql php4-mysql new plan: finding php4-mysql/perl-DBD-mysql packages that suits to the new mysql-version. regards, dumb-medic
Yes, good idea. Normally yast should resolve these dependencies itself, but after all it stays an rpm-based distro...
pain in the a**: removed mysql 4.0.x removed php4 then installed mysql 4.1.16 perl-DBD-mysql (v 2.9004-2) requires the old mysql-shared (4.0.x) perl-DBD-mysql (v 2.9004-3) requires Perl-5.8.6-5.3 (5.8.5-3.2 is installed) things are getting very interesting now: yast suggest to downgrade almost the whole system, including yast itself, but after all not grub. at this point (mysql removed again) i tried apt which tells me that there isn't any mysql available. now i really understand people running amok with big guns. regards, dumb-medic
all fixed! untill now i haven't made bad experiences, but i remember the how-to where you mentioned apt handels dependecies better. now i know what you ment maybe suse's not as handsome as other distributions (haven't tested others so far), but for my purposes i must say it's incredible stable. however, i kicked mysql-4.x, php4.3.8, upgraded to mysql 5.0.19 standard and php 4.4.2, and all went through like a hot knife in butter, i was kind of upset the best: all the problems i've had with the previously installed versions of mysql & php are gone. time for weekend. till, falko, i thank you very much for your support! regards, dumb-medic