
Discussion in 'General' started by theymos, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. theymos

    theymos New Member

    Hello. I'm trying to setup a completely "self-sufficient" server at home. I've completed howtoforge's excellent Gentoo server guide, and I would now like to set up my own nameserver so that all of ISPConfig's features work.

    I would like to know what I have to buy to get it working as cheap as possible, and some general instructions on how to set it up. I currently have just the gentoo server, one dynamic IP, and one domain name. I would prefer to spend less than $10/month or $60/year total. My ISP does not offer static IPs for home customers, so that's not an option. I could probably use a windows computer(with cygwin or a livecd) with a different IP for a very limited amount of time, but I'd rather not.

    Thanks a lot!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. theymos

    theymos New Member

    Ok, thanks!

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