Folks, You don't need to buy an expensive server or 2nd computer to run ispconfig and try it! Not sure if you are aware, but vmware have made their SERVER version FREE now! What this enables you to do - is to run ispconfig on your existing windows machine as a virtual server! It's fantastic for testing or even a permanent server... Anyway - it's what I use and thought I'd let you know about it.. PS: There is even a section on the website where you can download pre-built appliances and someone has built an ispconfig appliance for you. So basically all you do is download the files and fire it up with vmware and you have an ispconfig server ready to configure and run! Enjoy - cheers...
This is how I've been testing OS'ese for some time now! I'm not using "VMware", but "Parallels Workstation" (not free).
VMWare is really nice for testing, we use it to write the howtos. The appliance has been build by Falko and me, the highlights are that it has SuPHP and ChrootSSH enabled, these features are part of the next official ISPConfig release.
Seems, this is a day of virtualization Microsoft announced the free Virtual PC 2004: here VirtualIQ 525, a free web based vitrual machine management and monitor tool: here
Will the "problem" with aliases that's causing the [email protected] headaches in RoundCube be solved in the new release?
No. The aliases where written correctly in ISPConfig. I think we will not change ISPConfig just to work around the roundcube bug in reading the config file.
Hmm - wr19026, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about the www - my roundcubemail is working sweet! Yes, you have to change your identity once when the user is created, but that's it! ??? If you wish - I can setup an email userid on my test roundcube for you and you can have a play if you wish! Cheers - Jockstrap..
Yes the ISPConfig image is working great within VMware. I tested it for one week now. I only discovered two (minor) errors: 1. Webalizer isn't working on new domains. I tried the workaround as written on the forum, but still no luck. Webalizer doesn't make a stat subdirectory. 2. Also Munin isn't working within the VMWare image. Maybe we can figure out what's the problem with this two issues. Maby the problem is that withing the VMWare Image host- and domainname are set to default ( Maybe the problem is the change of IP-, subnet and gateway adresses. Who can help on this?
Well Till, Are you still looking at the problems with webalizer en munin on the VMWare Image or are you making a new one with the latest ISPConfig?
He didn't have the time yet. You know we have a lot to do... Maybe you can try to find out what's wrong yourself? Then it's not so stressful for us.
I'm sorry Falko but this was not the answer I expected from you. I don't want to stress anyone. And I don't have the knowledge to fix those things. I only tested the image and find the problems I decribed. Till wrote that he was looking at it the comings days. So I ask him if he already had an clue. I like ISPConfig very much and this out-of-the-box solution even more.
I was very busy the last week and we had some trouble with the last ISPConfig release which has cost much time too. I will post here when I had a chance to look at the issues in the vmware image.
''ve just tested the vmware image: Webalizer works for me. What output do you get when you run the following command as root user: /root/ispconfig/php/php -q /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php Munin is working for me. You can access it on: (Change the IP to the IP of your VM)
1. Erstelle Statistik Verzeichnis: /var/www/web3/web/stats Erstelle Statistik Verzeichnis: /var/www/web4/web/stats then I login with it gives the page: 404 Error - File not found! When I logged in on the console I saw that for the first time there was a stats directory created on the websites. It didn't before. So I run: grep -i cron /var/log/messages and /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/logs.php and /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php Finally it runs and I got statisticfiles. Now I hope that it will last. I'll keep you informed. 2. I changed it to my public IP-adress and login with admin / ispconfig (I don't know how to change that password). then it looks like it the loggin is correct but, after 10 - 20 seconds, it gives the page that it cannot find the server.