Need a stable distro for virtualization

Discussion in 'Technical' started by aroldgre, Nov 13, 2011.

  1. aroldgre

    aroldgre New Member

    Hello Linux Gurus,

    I am looking for a very stable Linux distro just for visualization purposes. I will be using Virtualbox. I will running both Linux and Windows servers.
    I tried Fedora 6, I realized it has some issues. I was thinking about CentOs 6.
    I also need some suggestions on how to partition my 3TB hard drive for that machine. I need a storage space which will be accessed by both Linux and Windows computers.

    Thank you very much
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I suggest you try Debian. It's very stable and has the best package manager.
  3. mmidgett

    mmidgett Member

    I would stay away from CentOS, there is no migration path between versions supported by them directly. Debian or Ubuntu will get my vote. I chose Ubuntu 10.04 LTS for my setup. I haven't had any troubles and there is alot of tutorials for it. Helps us new administrators get up and running. Also just about everything debian works right out of the box.

    Just my thoughts.

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