Need CentOS 5.3 Nikto, DenyHosts, FTtester, Chrooted SSH, Chkrootkit-Portsentry

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by need_a_linux_brain, May 1, 2009.

  1. need_a_linux_brain

    need_a_linux_brain New Member

    Need CentOS 5.3 Nikto, DenyHosts, FTtester, Chrooted SSH, Chkrootkit-Portsentry HTs

    Hello All,

    I'm looking for the tutorials above for CentOS 5.3, if they're the right processes and packages for my servers and needs. A little background about what I'm doing so you'll be able to help me better determine my security needs and the best How-Tos for my needs.

    I'm trying to secure my two Lenny VPS' and single dedi, which are all installed with CentOS 5.3 and a DirectAdmin CP. Before I begin loading them with data, packages, virtual OSes, etc. My intention is to install VMware server to run a virtual (KDE) desktop from my dedi to my Windows Vista 64 box, as well as a AsteriskNow VoIP and a Windows Vista 32 virtual desktop to run legacy programs that won't run on Vista 64 but will on Vista 32.

    I'll also immediately begin hosting three websites, two with downloadable materials and two or three blogs, at least one with streaming video. Later this year, I intend to begin writing and selling downloadable secure ebooks from a site. I will also use the dedi to try virtual appliances of various types, too. I'm telling all of this because it helps to know what will be on a server before recommending packages or processes.

    Moreover, one VPS will be slave/mirror to the dedi, as well as running its own mail and DNS server and doing primary, secure backup for business data (which will be synced to the dedi). My goal is to avoid major data loss and extended periods of downtown like I've experienced for most of this year.

    In fact, I'll run DNS (for which I'm trying to install PowerDNS and Poweradmin) and mail servers (including webmail) for on all three, file servers on at least two and attempting to create secure data back up for my personal data on the third VPS. So, like I said, security on my servers is mission-critical since I know the cost of data loss a bit too intimately.

    Anyway, I've been surfing the site and ran across How-Tos for the above apps and processes but all were either for other or older distros. I'm not Linux-savvy enough (yet!) to convert the commands into CentOS 5.3 specific, working commands. Neither am I knowledgeable enough to know if these are the right packages and/or processes for the intended purposes for my VPS' and dedi. I do know the security concepts they present are those I want to implement on my servers.

    Are these the right programs and processes for my needs? Does anyone have links to to newer tutorials and/or those specific to my distro?

    If you can think of anything else I should do (I'm looking for the best firewall, AV, anti-spam, etc., preferably secure, mature open-source packages), please let me know. I'm also looking to make most certain that my access from my Windows desktop to my Lenny servers is secure and my VPS' are secure both from internal (other VPS' on the same server) and external threats.

    I'm looking forward to your solutions-oriented responses.


    P.S. Please don't be surprised if you see similar posts in requests for other information on other parts of the forum.
    Last edited: May 1, 2009

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