Need help with setting up a Ubuntu Server

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by KyO757, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. KyO757

    KyO757 New Member

    Hello there,
    I need help with setting up an Ubuntu Server 7.10 that will be used as the following:

    File Server
    Applications Server
    Terminal Server
    Domain Controller

    I have been attempting to setup samba on the ubuntu server and I have reinstalled the OS about 3 times because the tutorials I used on howtoforge have not been successful for my needs. This server is to support a workgroup of 10 computers and act as the roles stated above. We have all the static IP information on hand so that should not be an issue. I'm fairly new to Ubuntu but I have absorbed the basic command structures. I would also like to know what other components I will need to get the server working, such as Samba, SSH, etc. Thank you in advance for the responses
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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