Need help with Squirrelmail

Discussion in 'General' started by omni, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. omni

    omni New Member

    I followed the 'Perfect Server Setup for Ubuntu 6.06LTS'

    I installed the .pkg for squirrelmail off the website.

    side note: how do you 'uninstall' .pkg's?

    So I got it installed and I can get to the login, but when I try to log in I get this:

    ERROR: IMAP server closed the connection.
    Server responded:* BYE [ALERT] Fatal error: Maildir: No such file or directory 
    I also tried this how-to. But I don't know if I did it right? none the less, I still can't log in. Please help! thanks in advance.
  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    You need to sent an initial email 1st before the Maildir directory is created, which Squirrelmail needs.

    IIRC, the developers have on their to-do list an action to create the initial Maildir structure without the requirement to send an e-mail. But for now: sent an email. Postfix will automagically create what's required :)
  3. omni

    omni New Member

    okay... so how do I send an email without using squirrelmail?

    thanks in advance.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Use an email client such as Outlook or Thunderbird.
  5. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Or even more basic: log on to the server and use from the command line:
    # sendmail web1_username
    There are some "be aware" notes with this:

    Some system do not have sendmail installed. You could try the command 'mail' instead. Even that may fail, if you did a minimal install. You could try to pull the mail command from your installation media (CD, net, whatever)
    Terminate the mail with a single dot (.) on a line.
  6. omni

    omni New Member

    I seemed to have missed a section in the setup of the server:

    *Please note: You do not have to do this if you intend to use ISPConfig on your system as ISPConfig does the necessary configuration using procmail recipes. But please go sure to enable Maildir under Management -> Server -> Settings -> EMail in the ISPConfig web interface.

    doing the above made me able to log into squirrelmail with no problems.

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