need name server (NS) explanation????

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by fandi2000x, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. fandi2000x

    fandi2000x New Member

    i want my PC (Fedora Core 3) to be web hosting server with ISPConfig.

    i had been register a domain name ex. "" on domain registration provider. on menu my personal account there are some Name Server field which can be modified. by default its point to NS of domain registran provider server.

    the question is how my server hosting (ISPConfig) can creat some NS like NS of domain registran provider server.

    this is configuration of my ISPCongi:
    Computer Name : (just ex)
    IP1 : 192.x.x.18
    IP2 : 192.x.x.19
    Host name of ISP Config : www
    Domain of ISPConfig :
    IP Set for ISPConfig : 192.x.x.18

    and what mean that on menu ISPConfig : Management>Server>Setting>DNS
    there are 2 field (Default NS1 and Default Ns2) ????
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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