Need new Mastodon (NGINX) on server with ISPCOnfig (Apache) servers - how to combine

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by MaKa, Nov 1, 2023.

  1. MaKa

    MaKa Member

    Dear all,

    dont know which way to choose. Already studied a lot of guides....

    Migrate all Apache servers (a LOT of them) to nginx config and then setup Mastodon with Nginx beside of them
    keep (*nicely working*) installation ISPConfig with Apaches and use Nginx as reverse proxy? And then add Mastodon on nginx?

    - Debian 11
    - standard ISConfig install, all servers are Apaches
    - PHP 5.6, 7, 8
    - Mariadb
    - ufw, port 80 open
    - 6 cpus, 16 GB, 600 GB

    Which way seems to be better for the future upgrades/updates/support?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Install Mastodon as docker image and run it on a custom port and then proxy traffic from the ispconfig website you like to run mastodon on to that port.
  3. MaKa

    MaKa Member

    • Install Mastodon as docker image and run it on: OK, got it
    • then proxy traffic from the ispconfig website you like to run mastodon on to that port: I have no idea how. How the config of my new nginx should looks like? You meant make proxy for each site under ISPConfig and make the nginx as proxy server for it? So apache sites under ISPConfig stays with Apache2 and nginx will server mastodon and as proxy apache2 sites too?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Why do you want to install a Nginx server when you have already an Apache server? When you install mastodon with Docker and mastodon requires Nginx (have not checked that, but according to your post I assume that mastodon can not run with Apache), then this Nginx will be run in Docker and not directly on your server. Docker will expose that Nginx then on a specific port, let#s say port 8443. Now you create a website in ISPConfig, which runs on Apache, and you enter proxy directives in the apache directives field of this website to proxy all incoming traffic to the port that the mastodon Nginx runs on, so in this example you proxy all traffic to port 8443. So if someone accesses this website with a browser, the request will end up in the Nginx Docker image that runs mastodon.

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