Need suggestion...

Discussion in 'General' started by rvakili, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. rvakili

    rvakili Member

    Hello All,
    I think, I am ready to set up a production server. I was wondering if you guys can help me out by letting me know what will be the best way to accomplish this.

    Which version (stable) of the Ubantu & ISPconfig I should use?

    I require:

    Charted SSH to jail clients
    E-mail? (postfix or sendmail?), need pop, IMAP, SMTP
    PHP 4 & 5
    My SQL
    Offering Multiple SSL Certificates using 1 IP


    I have 3 static IPs as ppp (DSL), what is a best way to setup the server

    1) DSL Modem ---> Switch----> Server1, Server 2, etc
    2) DSL Modem---> Switch---> router--->Server1, Server 2, etc
    3) DSL Modem---> router--->Switch--->Server1, Server 2, etc

    DSL Modem is provided
    I have a Dell Switch currently.
    I do not have a router. What will be a good router to use?
    I have multiple Dell Servers

    Thank you,

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is just one stable version of ISPConfig, ist 2.2.29. For SSH chrooting you will have to patch the SSH daemon, but as far as I know the patch for that is not available anymore. For Ubuntu I would use the LTS release.

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