Hi Iam the Author of the Open Source Project: Traffic Squeezer. Traffic Squeezer is a WAN Acceleration solution: http://trafficsqueezer.sourceforge.net/ The project development is still under progress. The delivery of the solution I want to provide to the end-users as a stand-alone Linux Distro along with pre-installed Traffic Squeezer solution. Since Traffic Squeezer has the code both in kernel level as well as in user-space I want to make it as a complete custom Linux installable distro and bundle. I never worked ever building a custom Linux Distro. If there is anyone who want to volunteer you are welcome. Or possible if you have any suggestions or ideas on the same please feel free to communicate with me. Thank you folks. Kiran Kankipati
Target Audience? Will this custom distro be used for those with Desktop pc's? or for those wanting a custom router set up?
Target Audience? Will this custom distro be used for those with Desktop pc's? or for those wanting a custom router set up? >> Yes, it is meant for custom desktop installation and as you said it is mainly meant only for those wanting for a custom router setup.