Hello I want instead of http://mynetmagician.com/squirrelmail i want http://mail.mynetmagician.com how would i can achieve this goal Regards Wasim
Thanks Falko... But i want that instead of http://mydomain.com/squirrelmail is this possible through some setting i make it http://webmail.mydomain.com Forwading is an option, but i want something throughsquirrelmail setting or postfix setting. 2) Falko i want that my mail id should look likt [email protected] instead of [email protected] Please help me
You can also do this by creating rewrite rules in the Apache Directives field manually: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/rewrite/rewrite_guide.html It's not possible to configure this in SquirrelMail or Postfix. You must configure the correct sender address in your email client (SquirrelMail, Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.).
Falko Thanks for prompt reply can u guide where to make suitable changes in HTTP web browser so that i can route to mail.mydomain.com
Try something like this in the Apache Directives field: Code: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/squirrelmail/$ http://webmail.mydomain.com/ [R]
Thanks alot for your quick prompt Can u please let me tell me where i shall qoute the above line. Bcoz i'm very familiar with RHEL but new to Ubuntu or Debian