Need to Reconfigure ISPconfig database setting

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by inf1h, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. inf1h

    inf1h New Member

    Hi everyone,

    Im running on ISPConfig version is
    Last time i update mysql root password manually. -> i forgot my root password

    I also change ispconfig mysql password manually. -> unable to login to ispconfig

    I've been trying to update these files but no luck:

    my problem is:
    - unable to login to ispconfig
    - unable to login to ftp

    but, im still able to use ssh..

    can someone help me?
    Thanks before.
  2. conductive

    conductive Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I think removing and reinstalling ispconfig will work.
  3. inf1h

    inf1h New Member

    i've uninstall ispconfig.
    but unable to reinstall ispconfig.
    it says something like openbasedir restriction.
  4. conductive

    conductive Member HowtoForge Supporter

    That sounds like ispconfig is still installed.
  5. inf1h

    inf1h New Member

    I dont know if there's something wrong when i uninstalled ISPConfig.
    but i decided to uninstall pureftp and reinstall it, and manually configure it.
    Because i need ftp access.

    Thank you for all the help ^^
    I apreciate it.

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Most likely you have set a openbasedir restriction in your php.ini file. Please remove that from php.ini and try again.

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