Hi all, I am trying to figure out why when I move a large file(s) from my desktop to my server, my desktop grinds to almost a standstill, My desktop nearly locks up, and the data transfer rate is almost next to nothing (around 2MB/sec) My desktop is UbuntuStudio8.10 (Perfect setup Ubuntustudio8.10) and it is a Core2duo CPu with 2gigs of DDR2 Ram, and a Intel ProGT gigabit network card. My server has the same network card, and network uses a gigabit switch. I have Windows vista machine on the same switch, and it just transfers at about 80MB/sec to the same server. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Heeter
Hi all, Still trying to figure out this situation, Can anyone help? Thanks Heeter ________ Landlords insurance forum
Hi Falko, which logs do I look at? The problem seems to be with the desktop itself (ubuntu 8.10), everything else is humming along just fine. Heeter ________ Medical marijuana card
Thanks Falko, There is quite a few logs in there, will see if I can figure out which one to look at. Heeter ________ California dispensaries