New Build Old Problem- Emails Not Working On Websites

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by happz, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. happz

    happz Member

    I just rebuilt a new CENTOS5.4 Server running ISPCong 2. I have an exact setup (hardware and software) still running in a different location. The old server is using email relay to my router on ISP that does not block port 25

    The new server is same as the old server yet, it is directly attached to my router which needs NO relay. (Port 25 is not blocked).

    After the OS installation, I installed ISPConfig as I have in the past and went on to setup WEB1.

    Installed that site script and then created a user on that site which would have sent an email welcoming them (me in this case) yet it never came.

    I went on and installed site WEB2 with a different script like phpBB. It too will not send emails.

    So I need help. This is a new install with ISPConfig 2.2.35 (old srv was 2.2.34).

    Please when helping me, it would be very helpful to give me direct instruction like.

    a. Type xxxxxxxxxx
    b. You will see this (xxxxxxxx) and type this now- xxxxxxxxx
    c. Results should be xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    That sort of thing because I see lots of info on this site but I can't follow them because I have not used linux or command line much in my time. And if you ask me to look at the mail log, please tell me where because I looked in /var/log/mail and around that area and there is nothing to speak of. As a matter of fact, I even went to roundcube (don't use it much) and found that email do go to the admin account I setup in ISPConfig for the site (web1 and web2) but on the pubic side the sites will not send emails.

    I also want to add that I just now sent an email from my office emaill to the admin of web1 and in roundcube it did show up but with a SPAM alert...not sure if this will help ...thanks.

    Thank you,

    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
  2. happz

    happz Member

    Relay fixed!

    I went ahead and setup postfix for email relay and guess what...all is working again...and a ton of emails are coming in as I type this. Sorry but I will not remove any data..maybe it might help someone down the road...i guess...


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