Ok, when you add a new domain in the control panel, a script runs and copies the standard index pages into the new web site folders. If I change the default web page and add in graphics and maybe even a framed page (so there is more than one page) I presume I will need to change the script in some way so that it copies all the files needed to run the new default holding page. 1) where is the script 2) is there a specific part of the script I will need to change i.e. will it be clear which parts I need to edit. Thanks
If you just want to replace the standard index page (or error pages) with your own... Look in "/root/ispconfig/isp/". There you will find the standard index and error files and so on in each of the languages: for example, "user_standard_index.html_de" and "standard_index.html_de". It would seem easy enough to save a backup and replace them with your own page. Standard graphic and other content could be on any site and referenced with full urls: <img src="http://myserver.com/images/...">. For other than the standard pages you would have to change the script, of course. A cool feature request might be for the site install script to copy all of the contents, with permissions (CGI!), from a "site skeleton directory", say /root/skeleton IF the directory exists. The site install script could do this after the basic site install and overwrite any files that it installed with the ones if finds there, chowning them appropriately. That way a host could easily set up a "standard site" in his own language and with his own stuff and it wouldn't get overwritten on the next updates. Richard
Enable individual error pages in the settings of the website and then fill in the content of the error page files on the options tab.
that's what I have been doing; however, all of the sites have the same error pages. I was wondering if there is a way to change the defaults.
You can specify individual error pages on the Options tab of each web site in ISPconfig (if individual error pages are enabled on the Basis tab).
The default index pages, yes. the sharedip page is in /home/sharedip if i remember correctly. Make sure that you save the modified templates in a safe place as you will have to copy them back after a ispconfig update.